Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Sure Foundation.

Foundation in our context; is defined as a tenet/principle upon which something stands or is supported. It can also be defined as a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid.

However, to be "sure" is to be safe from danger or harm, firmly established, steadfast, reliable, dependable and trustworthy.

Therefore, we talk of sure foundation, it implies a foundation that is safe from danger/harm, firmly established, steadfast, reliable, dependable and trustworthy. We are talking about a tenet or principle, body or ground that supports which security and safety. It is firmly established, reliable and highly dependable.
The principle of foundation reflects and revolves around all facets of human life. For instance, our place of birth and upbringing mold the foundation of who we are.
In our education, our elementary schools are structured to build a solid foundation for our academic performance and excellence. This is one of the key reasons why parents pay so much attention and invest much on the elementary education of their children.

Looking at health, children are subjected to several forms of immunization after birth simply to establish and secure a solid foundation for healthy living.

Likewise in several other aspects of life ranging from marriage, career, business etc., man seeks for a solid foundation. As foundation is vital and important to man, so it is to God Almighty.

Read: Psalms 102:25, Isaiah 28:16 and Isaiah 48:13

What are the characteristics of a foundation?
1. It is established first prior to what it will support or carry.
2. It is not physically visible in all situation.
3. It does not necessary to be attractive or glamorous to satisfy its objectives.
4. Foundation gives support, stability and strength.       

Every foundation built on human wisdom and principle has a limit and can fail. So, what is that sure foundation that can never fail? Read 1 Corinthians 3:11

The sure foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ with His principles. Do you know Christ as well as follow His principles? Until you embrace Christ and follow His principles, you have not located the sure foundation. You are not standing nor building on a ground that cannot sink and fail.

I love that Hymn: "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"

Let's sing it;

                                My hope is built on nothing less
                                Than Jesus's blood and righteousness;
                                I dare not trust the sweetest frame;
                                But wholly lean on Jesus' name
                                On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand;
                                All other ground is sinking sand
                                All other ground is sinking sand

Jesus Christ and His principles is sure foundation; the ground that can never sink. Do you know that this foundation has a seal? Yes

What is a seal? A seal gives mark of ownership, certifies and makes adequate provision for defense.

So, what is the seal of this sure foundation? Read 2 Timothy 2:19. The seal is "The Lord knoweth them that are his"

The greatest challenge today is that many claim that they know Christ but the Lord does not know them. They are not rooted on the sure foundation and this is major cause of destinies and lives being in state of confusion and instability even in the church. Do you truly know Christ and follow His principles?

In the same Scripture, "2 Timothy 2:19", God gave us the only solution and that is; Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. The only way to accomplish this is to follow the principles of Christ.

In His principles, there are no iniquities and unrighteousness. So, it makes so much sense to say; "Let every one that nameth the name of Christ follow and obey His principles" Please read Luke 6:46-49.

To secure a sure foundation, it must contain the seal of God, and to obtain this seal; you must embrace Christ and follow His principles.

Friends, in which area of your lives are you believing God for a sure foundation? Are you a believer? - begin to follow the principles of Christ in that aspect of your lives.

Are you an unbeliever? - you can follow His principles unless you first surrender your life unto Christ and be born again. The good news is that you can do that right now.

Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ? Then pray as below:

LORD Jesus, I confess all my sins and renounce them. Please forgive me
I believe in my heart that you died on the Cross for the remission of my sins
I confess You with my mouth as my personal Lord and Saviour
Lord, accept me as one of your own. Come into my heart and teach me to obey your Words. Amen

I congratulate you on this bold decision. Please join a living church and strive to be part of the workforce.

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