Tuesday, November 12, 2013

8 Top Steps for The Choice of #LifePartner.

Marriage is the oldest institution initiated by God. This institution requires the choice of #LifePartner to be establish in accordance divine purpose.

The below 8 top steps for the choice of #LifePartner is written to give insights to help you make the right choice.
  • Recognize that marriage institution was initiated by God.
  • Recognize that marriage is purposeful.
  • Focus and rely on God to bring your right partner.
  • As a man, look for an helper in the woman while the woman should seek to fulfill the role of a helper.
  • Submit to God's will and not your permissive will or list.
  • Look not for compatibility but complement in the choice of a #LifePartner.
  • Expect some weaknesses from that choice of a #LifePartner.
  • Do not look out for a perfect man or woman because no human being is perfect.

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